Finding Deals
We assess all properties throughout the week and offer these properties to our database of investors every Friday. We will send this via our opt in email service. If you're not on that list, you're missing out. You can join using the sign up button below.
Once you are on our mailing list you will receive emails regularly with great investment deals. If you like the look of a particular deal follow the instructions on the email for reserving the deal:
- You receive the email, If you like the look of a property you get in touch
- We have a phone call or Zoom call to run you through the property details, Figures, Pictures etc
- If you want to proceed we will send over Terms of Sale and an invoice for the finders fee
- Once we receive the signed Terms of Sale and payment we then arrange a Zoom call to disclose full property details
- We then instruct the selling agents who the buyer is via email or manage this ourselves if it is a Direct to vendor sale
- The property is marked SSTC
- The purchase process goes through as a normal sale
- We then take a step backwards and let you deal directly with the Solicitors, Brokers and Agents
We are on hand to assist with any issues which may arise throughout the sale process up to completion.
If you would like our recommendations for solicitors and mortgage brokers we are happy to provide these to our customers.
Securing Your Rent
If you’re interested in working with us to secure your monthly rent then we will:
- Initially discuss your situation and how we can help you
- Meet face to face to work through options in detail and also to view your property
- Write down some basic assumptions of a contract that can work for you and Ironvest Properties Ltd, we are flexible with this and work to achieve a balanced approach
- We will engage our best solicitors to review the detail in the contract and work with us to write up all terms and conditions
- Once complete we will then work on the terms discusssed and agreed carry out any decoration and refurb work to get the property ready to rent
- We will then take over all day to day management of your property and pay you a fixed monthly rental for the period stated within the contract
- We will provide regular communication